I have clean up ahead of me (unpacking and de-partying our house) but it's the first real day of nothing important to do, so instead I'm sitting in bed, at (gasp) 10:30 am, listening to Oscar snore and thinking over my "to-do" list of things to accomplish before September rolls around.
Here's what my summer looks like so far:
1. Clean/organize/sort the unbelievable amount of crap we've accumulated since moving into the house,some of which was accumulated and left by the previous owners. The general plan is a garage sale sooner than later, and renting a dumpster as a last step for finally getting rid of some of the nonsense that we just don't know what to do with. We currently have 4, count 'em, 4 extra couches (one is currently on our curb if anyone is interested), chairs galore, knickknacks beyond measure, and tchotchkes beyond your wildest dreams. If I can clean out the garage/attic/basement this summer, it will be a success.Which leads me to....
3. Go through all of our papers and file them. We started this process, but haven't finished yet. Since moving in together and getting married, we sort of just kept shoving any papers that seemed mildly important into various drawers in the office....which made doing our taxes and my FAFSA (I started classes to earn my second Masters in Ed Admin) this year a total, all encompassing nightmare. So, we've started filing, and I'd really like to get that under control asap.
5. Take my statistics course that I am not loving, but am happy to be starting. 1 course started, 11 more to go!
6. Keep baking.
7. Work on the novel Doug and I started over two years ago. Like, really work on it. I don't even care about it being published, I'd just like to say I did it and it's done.
8. Sleep.
9. Possibly do something with our pink and gray bathroom of ultimate heinousness. Maybe. Doug thinks it's better left alone. I totally disagree. I mean, look at it. Gross.
10. Fix the scrapes in the wood floors that came from moving furniture without pads. Oops.
11. Break Oscar's will to bark at everything, all the time, to the point of ridiculousness.
12. Exercise. A lot, to make up for #6.
OK, maybe I'm over-planning. I do have the tendency to do that. But, that's the plan for now. I might be singing a different tune in a week or two.
For now, I think I'll start cleaning...but then again, maybe I'll just go back to bed. It's summer, after all.