Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh, so THESE are pregnancy symptoms

**Disclaimer: I started this post about a week ago and forgot to finish it. Don't mind the schizophrenia.

So, I've been waiting for this. After coasting through the first trimester with nothing worse than the queasies, bragging about how I feel awesome and no major symptoms so far and walking around like Queen Pregnancy, I knew the other shoe had to drop sometime. Apparently, for this pregnancy, it was the halfway point that did it.
In the last week, I've simultaneously developed the following:

  • Back pain when I sit on the couch/stand/lay for extended periods of time
  • Hip pain when I lay down on one side for more than an hour--resulting in me flopping over like an out of breath whale to readjust "the sandwich", my husband's term for the fortress of pillows I surround myself with nightly. 
  • Foot/leg pain when I stand for long periods.
(Side note: all of the above severely limits my potential for feeling comfortable. I've been rotating between the 3 options as frequently as possible)

  • Sinuses that have ceased to function--breathing through my nose is no longer a viable option for actual oxygen intake
  • Heartburn. Oh my god, that evil, evil heartburn. I read somewhere that it means the baby is growing hair. He better come out with a head of lush locks at the rate I'm going. I get heartburn at the following times: When I eat. When I'm hungry. When I lay down. In other words, constantly. 
  • And, my favorite as of last night--Charlie horse-style cramps in my legs! Awesome!

So, to be blunt: I. am. freaking. miserable.

Hilariously, my midwife said to me, "I can just tell you love being pregnant. You can always tell the ones that like it. You have that glow!". I didn't have the heart to do anything but smile lamely and nod, like, Oh yes, I just love  feeling like everything from my esophagus downwards is broken/malfunctioning. It's a miracle! 

Don't get me wrong, it's nothing terrible and I have had it so easy thus far, especially compared to the horror stories I've read. I also generally do like being pregnant. I know it could be (and may get) much, much worse and I've really lucked out. I think it's because the beginning was so easy that I feel super cranky about these new symptoms. Plus, I keep telling myself getting up every hour is excellent practice for when the baby arrives.

Here's where the old post ends and the update starts:
So, I broke down and bought a Snoogle. Check it:

Yes, I know it looks like the most ridiculous thing in the world. But pregnant ladies, I am telling you: THIS WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE. It's crazy expensive online, but I got it for about $35 bucks at Burlington (using a 15% off coupon). YES. Because of this little stuffed miracle burrito of comfort, I can now sleep through the night, sit on the couch, and generally exist without misery. The website has about a million suggestions for ways to use this beauty:
My personal favs are Back to Back and Donut Delux. Oh jeez, now I want a donut.

In other news, one of the sweetest ladies in my work family, Gina, bought my little guy the absolute sweetest little gift yesterday. He's now the proud owner of a squeal-inducing giraffe onesie set (with little giraffe feets and a little giraffe hat!), Brown Bear, Brown Bear (a super cute book) and matching stuffed bear. I see some serious cuddle/reading fests in our future. Thanks, Gina! We love it!

I'm also rounding out the last week of month 5--here comes month 6 and the last month of the second trimester! Woo hoo!

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